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Stop Tooth Staining in its Tracks

added on: December 21, 2020

Do you find yourself covering your mouth when you laugh? Or maybe you hide your smile in photos because you’re embarrassed by the color of your teeth. Tooth discoloration and tooth staining are some of the main reasons people go out of their way to avoid showing their teeth. While there are plenty of reasons why your teeth can be stained, from health issues to medications and even things like coffee and wine, your dentist in Lyndhurst wants you to know that there are also ways you can stop staining in its tracks. 

Quit Smoking

Perhaps the top cause of tooth discoloration and unsightly staining is smoking. The tobacco and other ingredients in cigarettes are known to coat teeth and cause yellowing. Additionally, since smoking is usually a habit that’s done several times throughout the day, teeth are constantly exposed to the staining ingredients, making the stains more severe and harder to remove. Your dentist in Lyndhurst supports quitting smoking – as it’s a leading cause of additional oral health problems such as oral cancer.   

Eat Foods that Help

We all know that certain foods and drinks can cause tooth staining such as red wine, tea, coffee, soda, and even pasta sauce. But there are also some foods that can actually help reduce staining. Snacking on crunchy vegetables and fruits, and even some types of cheese gently scrub the surface of teeth and can effectively remove some staining in the process. 

Brush After Meals

One of the best things you can do for both the appearance of your smile and the health of it is to brush your teeth twice a day. However, brushing your teeth after meals, in addition to brushing in the morning and at night, can go even further in preventing staining and decay. After all, the sooner you’re able to remove anything that can cause staining, the less of a chance it has to discolor your teeth.  

Swish, Rinse, & Chew

For those times when you can’t brush your teeth after eating, the next best thing you can do is swish and rinse your mouth out with water. Water will help wash away any lingering staining agents before they have a chance to settle in and cause discoloration. If you want to take it one step further, chew sugarless gum to remove even more food particles.

Choose a Straw

A simple way to reduce the risk of tooth discoloration when drinking tooth-staining beverages is to sip them through a straw. Straws essentially allow the liquid to bypass teeth and lowers the likelihood of staining. There are several reusable straws you can buy and carry with you in case you run into a situation where straws aren’t available. 

Even though there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of staining, tooth discoloration can, and does, still happen. In this case, there are several cosmetic dentistry options available to reverse discoloration and whiten teeth. From tooth whitening treatments to dental veneers, your dentist in Lyndhurst can help find the best cosmetic dentistry for you. 

Stop covering your smile for pictures or when you laugh. Call us today to figure out how you can get the white smile you deserve.

About The Author
Dr. Jeffrey A. Young

Dr. Jeffrey A. Young focuses on esthetic, implant, and family care in his general practice. He is a clinical assistant professor at The Case Western Reserve School of Dental Medicine and the Healthy Smile Sealant Program with the Department of Community Dentistry. Additionally, he served on the board of the Greater Cleveland Dental Society and was a delegate to the Ohio Dental Association.